Meeting time: 10AM – 12PM
Topic: Monitoring Care in Nursing Homes
The Virtual Resident Family Council is your chance to share your experiences on Monitoring Care in Nursing Homes. In this session you will learn:
1) How the Department of Health monitors care
2) How Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) monitors care
3) How to interact with surveyors as they inspect your or your loved one’s nursing home
Volunteering to speak:
If you have experiences to share dealing with DOH surveyors as they were inspecting your or your loved one’s nursing home, please check “YES,” on your registration form.
If you DO want to share:
1. You do not have to mention the name of the nursing home.
2. If you need help preparing, Cynthia Rudder, our consultant, will help. Be sure to include your telephone number when registering and Cynthia will call you prior to the meeting.
3. Limit your talk to 5 minutes.
4. Focus your talk on your experience with surveyors.