State Legislative Goals for 2025
New York StateWide Senior Action Council (“StateWide”) urges the NYS Legislature and the Governor to address our priority concerns in the 2025 Session. We will be strong advocates on issues related to:
- the home care worker shortage
- ensuring quality of care in hospitals and nursing homes and upholding consumer rights
- adequate funding for services for older residents, including expanded funding for StateWide’sPatient Rights Helpline and Medicare & EPIC counseling programs
- ensuring full funding for Medicaid, especially in light of potential federal reductions
- improving health delivery systems and access to care, including dental providers,while addressing the capacity of the entire medical workforce to meet the needs of anaging population
- addressing the shortage of affordable, accessible and supportive housing
- providing adequate budget funding to the NYS Office for Aging (NYSOFA) and otherstate agencies that provide essential senior services to address a) current shortages,wait lists and unmet need b) the continued rapid aging of the population and c) the impact of sustained higher than normal inflation.
State Legislative Goals for 2025 (cont.)
State Legislative Priorities for 2025
Federal Legislative Goals for 2025
New York StateWide Senior Action Council (“StateWide”) urges the NYS Congressional Delegation and the President to address our priority concerns in the 119th Congress. We will be strong advocates on issues related to:
- solutions to the home care worker shortage to ensure people of all ages andabilities can receive care in the community
- ensuring quality of care in hospitals and nursing homes, including adequateoversight, safe staffing standards and upholding consumer rights
- minimizing the use of insurer prior authorization that delays access to services appropriate to the standard of care
- adequate funding for services for older residents, including modernization of theOlder Americans Act and extending the Affordable Connectivity Program
- addressing the shortage of affordable, accessible and supportive housing
- improving the solvency of the Medicare and Social Security Trust funds withoutcuts to benefits or eligibility for current enrollees or generations to come
- opposing privatization of Social Security and policies that favor commercialMedicare coverage over original Medicare
- opposing reductions in the federal share of Medicaid costs and proposals toprovide block grant funding to states that are a de facto cut
- opposing tax cuts for the richest Americans and corporations at the expense ofreduced services benefiting the majority of Americans (eg. healthcare, socialservices such as SNAP benefits and environmental protections)
Federal Legislative Goals for 2025 (cont.)
Federal Legislative Priorities for 2025
2024 Election Information
Early voting ends Sunday 11/3. Use regular polling places for in person voting on Tuesday, November 5th. Voting hours: 6 AM - 9 PM Find your poll site, track to see if your absentee ballot was received or check your registration status here. If you have any issues at...
New Hospital Financial Assistance Form Now in Effect
The state has mandated that, effective 10/20/24, all hospitals must use the same, simplified application for hospital financial assistance. The income limits have been improved so that even more households are eligible. This includes: patients without insurance and...