

Patient Advocate Teach in - February 2025

Date: Feb 25, 2025    Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Topic: Complaining about Hospital Care to the NYS Department of Health

Speakers: Lori Schillinger, RN, Deputy Director and Stephanie Shulman, DrPH, MS Director, Division of Hospitals and Diagnostic & Treatment Centers, NYS Department of Health

This presentation will help older persons, care givers and aging network professionals gain a better understanding of how the NYS hospital complaint system works and how to access the system.


U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging Hearing

Title: “Improving Wellness Among Seniors: Setting a Standard for the American Dream”

Listen to Maria Alvarez’s testimony at the US Senate Special Committee on Aging Hearing. (Jan. 15) Her testimony can be viewed from 30:10 to 37:05.

We extend our gratitude to Senator Gillibrand for inviting StateWide to participate as a witness. Please tune in to support and learn about critical discussions on senior wellness and advancing the American dream for older adults. 

Patient Advocate Program Teach ins - Recordings

January 2025: The Role of the NYS Justice Center in
Protecting Vulnerable Populations;
Speaker: Kara Clark, Advocacy Specialist, Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs

November 2024: Finding Information on Long Term Services and Supports How to Use NY Connects No Wrong Door; Speakers: Theresa Munford & Amber Goodrich, New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA)

October 2024: Helping Informal Caregivers Succeed in their Important Role; Speaker: Ronald E. Roel, the nationally known journalist and the author of Caregiving Navigator a comprehensive resource for informal caregivers

StateWide Joins Senator Schumer to Celebrate Medicare Prescription Price Controls

Sen. Schumer toured the state last week to make sure Medicare enrollees know about changes to improve their drug coverage that were adopted in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).  At each stop, StateWide members joined him to celebrate.

Photo: StateWide’s Maria Alvarez joined US Senator Charles Schumer and other Albany officies to promote the Medicare out of pocket drug savings

Executive Director Maria Alvarez interviewed on WWCP - Project Independence and You

  • Friday, June 28, 2024
  • WCWP/88.1 Radio and WCWP.org

Thank you to Project Independence with the Town of North Hempstead Department of Services for the Aging for inviting StateWide Executive Director, Maria Alvarez, on their show.

To watch the segment, click on the button (below).


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