Collaborating Organizations
StateWide collaborates with other organizations to ensure that experts are available throughout the state to provide information on patients rights and counseling on Medicare and EPIC benefits.
- 1199-SEIU Retired Members Division
- Albany Guardian Society
- American Society on Aging
- Campaign for NY Health
- DC 37 Retirees
- Health Care For All – NY
- Home Care Crisis Coalition
- Medicaid & Medicare Advisory Group
- Medicaid Matters NY
- National Coalition on Aging
- National Community Reinvestment Coalition
- NYS Attorney General’s Office
- NYS Funeral Directors Association
- NY State Society on Aging
2024 Election Information
Early voting ends Sunday 11/3. Use regular polling places for in person voting on Tuesday, November 5th. Voting hours: 6 AM - 9 PM Find your poll site, track to see if your absentee ballot was received or check your registration status here. If you have any issues at...
New Hospital Financial Assistance Form Now in Effect
The state has mandated that, effective 10/20/24, all hospitals must use the same, simplified application for hospital financial assistance. The income limits have been improved so that even more households are eligible. This includes: patients without insurance and...