Early voting ends Sunday 11/3. Use regular polling places for in person voting on Tuesday, November 5th. Voting hours: 6 AM – 9 PM Find your poll site, track to see if your absentee ballot was received or check your registration status here. If you have any...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced a significant change affecting almost one million Medicare beneficiaries. Due to findings following a 2023 data breach, Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) numbers will be changing in mid-October...
MEDICARE CURRENT BENEFICIARY SURVEY (MCBS) Our CMS colleagues are sharing news that some Medicare beneficiaries (less than 30,000) will be contacted. This is part of an ongoing study called the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS). CMS contracts with the...
ACTION ALERT The State Legislature is completing its business for the regular Session, the Senate has already done so and the Assembly will be reconvening next week. StateWide has two important bills remaining for the Assembly to consider – so we urge you to...
This is an urgent action request for the week of 5/22/23 to New York organizations, businesses, and everyday people to those who represent New York in Congress. Together, we are calling on them to take immediate action to prevent debt default, and avoid harmful cuts...
On January 5, Governor Hochul presented the State of the State Message, and for the first time in recent memory, there was a specific section dedicated to issues of importance to older residents. The State of the State is available for your review in an online book,...