The State Legislature is completing its business for the regular Session, the Senate has already done so and the Assembly will be reconvening next week. StateWide has two important bills remaining for the Assembly to consider – so we urge you to make 2 phone calls immediately (before Tuesday 6/20 at noon) to help us move these forward.
- Your Assembly representative 518-455-4100 – and ask for your Assemblymember by name. (Not sure who represents you? Fill in your address at this link to identify the district where you live.)
- Call Assembly Speaker Heastie 518-455-3791
Message: My name is and I live in ______________. I urge you to have 2 bills passed this month.
- The first is A6275, to prevent collection agencies from reporting to credit bureaus medical debt. This will ensure that patients are able to secure the healthcare they need, without fear of facing financial ruin.
- The second is A3020 , Coverage for All. Every NY resident, regardless of immigration status, should be able to get health insurance coverage. This bill will not cost the state a penny by using authorized federal funds.