We are learning many lessons as the state responds to the pandemic – but one thing is certain – many New Yorkers are under-insured, they have high out of pocket costs, and the high rate of unemployment is an unkind reminder that for many, their health insurance is tied to their employer.
Time is long overdue for improvements to health coverage, and NY StateWide Senior Action Council has been supporting action on both the federal level (Improved Medicare for All) and the state level (The New York Health Act.)
Now, you can be part of the action as you shelter in place
Join us for a virtual rally to hear from frontline healthcare workers, nurses, seniors, small businesses, legislators, and patients demanding that the NY Health Act be a central part of a just recovery for New York State!
Click on the link to RSVP for the Virtual Rally for the New York Health Act on Wed. May 20th @ NOON!
More details will be shared with those who RSVP here.
Hope you can join us – and if you do – in solidarity with others going to the virtual rally – wear something red!