TOPIC: Increasing Efforts to Prevent Colon Cancer In New York State Speaker: Michael Davoli, Senior New York Government Relations Director, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
- Colon cancer is the second leading cause of deaths among all people, yet it is often preventable. The rate of colon cancer for older persons is almost double the rate for the younger adult population. This disease spreads slowly and silently. If it is detected early it is the survival rates are extremely high (91%) , but if it is not found until later stages it can be fatal. Over 3,000 people die from this disease in our state each year.
- Regular screening and testing is the best way to detect and prevent colon cancer. Unfortunately, these tests are underutilized and there are some barriers to obtaining them.
- We must work together in the aging network to increase awareness among older persons and improve access to screening.
- Teach in FLYER for April 26, 2022
- Colorectal Cancer Powerpoint Presentation