Updates for Older Persons and Caregivers,
Speaker: Everett Lo, Manager, Social Security Administration’s NY Regional Public Affairs Office
Social Security presentation
Fact Sheet 1 – Online Account
Fact Sheet 2 – Benefits Notification
Making the Most of Our Social Security Conversation
Take one simple step right now to make the most of your participation in the upcoming Social Security conversation; register today for your personal My Social Security account at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount.
My Social Security is the safest, easiest and fastest way to access your annual Social Security Statement, a free, personalized financial planning tool that shows how much you’ve earned over the years and what you can expect to receive from Social Security when you retire. Your Statement is available to you online through your My Social Security account at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount.
For most people, registering for your personal My Social Security account takes only a few minutes, after which you will have immediate access to your annual Social Security Statement. You register only once and then can log in to view your Statement using your personally selected User Name and password. Just follow the easy instructions in our fact sheet, How to Create an Online Account. If you encounter any challenges in setting up your account, please call Social Security at 1 (800) 772-1213 for assistance.
Review your Social Security Statement at least once a year to make sure that your name, date of birth and the last four digits of your Social Security Number are correct and that your earnings are accurately recorded. Since your monthly Social Security retirement benefit will be based on your highest 35 years of work, your Statement should show your full work history. And, if you’re already receiving Social Security, or Supplemental Security Income, the Fastest Way to Verify Social Security and Supplemental Security Income is via your My Social Security account at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount.
If you are married, make sure your spouse registers for his or her My Social Security account, too.
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