Make 1 call right away! Call the US Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to your House of Representatives member* .
- The Issue: The US government must borrow to pay its authorized bills. Periodically, Congress needs to authorize an increase in the amount of debt to match the amount of previously approved spending so that the country does not default on its debts. This is a procedural motion but has been abused in recent years by those wishing to force negotiations on unrelated issues. Failure to raise the debt ceiling can cause irreparable harm to the US economy & lead to a government shut down.
- The Message: “Hello, my name is {insert name} and I’m calling from {insert your town} to urge Congress to avoid default on its debt and to pass a clean debt authorization without cuts to vital programs.”
*If you don’t know the name of your Representative, enter your home address at this link.