The Governor released her budget this week, on the heels of the State of the State address. Her major themes are making NYS more affordable for families and addressing crime. StateWide will be hosting two zoom budget briefings to share details on the budget proposal:
Friday, January 31 at 10AM
Will address issues funded through the NYS Office for the Aging, including StateWide's two programs to help callers with Patient Rights and Navigating the Medicare system.
The Governor released her budget this week, on the heels of the State of the State address. Her major themes are making NYS more affordable for families and addressing crime. StateWide will be hosting zoom budget briefings to share details on the budget proposal:
Friday, February 21 at 9AM
Will address issues throughout the rest of the budget that are of interest to older residents.
Patient Advocate Teach in - February 25, 2025 10:00 am
– February 25, 2025
Speakers: Lori Schillinger, RN, Deputy Director and Stephanie Shulman, DrPH, MS Director, Division of Hospitals and Diagnostic & Treatment Centers, NYS Department of Health
In New York, patients and families have several important patients' rights guaranteed by state and federal laws and regulations. This includes the right to contact the Department of Health (DOH) if you have a concern, problem or complaint related to any aspect of care during your hospital stay when it isn’t resolved by hospital staff. This complaint investigation system is an important part of efforts to improve quality of care.
This presentation will help older persons, care givers and aging network professionals gain a better understanding of how the NYS hospital complaint system works and how to access the system. View FLYER
To register for the ZOOM Webinar event: click HERE, or visit our website at
To connect via phone: 646-558-8656, Webinar ID: 830 3465 1696 #