
The week's events

  • - How we can ensure sufficient long term care services for when we may need it in our home
    How we can ensure sufficient long term care services for when we may need it in our home

    How we can ensure sufficient long term care services for when we may need it in our home

    April 22, 2020

    StateWide Albany County Chapter is hosting a showing of the film “CARE" together
    with a panel presentation and discussion on the crisis in long-term care and what
    needs to be done. Panelists include:
    • Deborah Riitano, Commissioner of the Albany County Department for Aging;
    • Bryan O'Malley, Executive Director, The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance
    Association of New York State;
    • Kelly McMullen, Member NY StateWide Senior Action Council's Public Policy
    Committee and the Caring Majority Steering Committee.
    The film runs one half hour. This event is cosponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors
    and the Caring Majority. Call 518-689-1084 with questions.

    For more information, See the Flyer.

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