

Changes to the EPIC Program

There are two important notices regarding the NYS Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage Program (EPIC) that we wanted to share with you. 1.  StateWide advocacy achieves results.  Until further notice, continue to use the 2019 EPIC Application . NY StateWide Senior Action Council (StateWide) has always kept a careful watch over the EPIC program, since we were involved in creating the original...

Federal Economic Relief Payment Arriving Soon.

4/3/20 For most Americans, you don’t have to take any action to receive a stimulus payment.  The federal Coronavirus Relief bill included a $1,200 stimulus check for most adults and $500 per child that will be distributed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS.) It's estimated that nine out of 10 US households could qualify to receive an economic impact payment In most cases, payments will be made...

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